Case Study | Packt Publishing
Packt Publishing reasserts its technological leadership thanks to the Serious Business Game Pacific
The company has improved its engagement and training results thanks to the game-based learning.
Packt Publishing: maintaining technological leadership
Packt Publishing is a global on-demand technology book publishing company based in Birmingham (United Kingdom). Founded in 2004, the company is a sector bellwether, providing IT professionals worldwide with tutorials, guides, specialized books, e-books, videos and courses.
The British company (with a solid foothold in India) is known for its extensive knowledge of new technologies and commitment to innovation. Setting its course by such giant stars as Netflix or Spotify, in recent years the company has developed an annual subscription system to provide sector experts and professionals with the best selection of publications, tutorials and videos.
The challenge of motivating and engaging employees with a training course
With a global and digitized staff working across several countries and cities, Packt was facing the challenge of providing its employees with an attractive training capable of enticing and motivating them. The human resources managers were dealing with the considerable difficulties in mustering up voluntary enrollment in their training offers. Assembling a group of people for classroom training had become a sort of impossible mission and the traditional e-learning platforms were incapable of engaging and motivating their employees.
Modul I: Von innen nach außen
- Kennenlernen der eigenen Person und Untersuchung, inwiefern sich die eigene Wesensart auf das Team auswirkt.
- Analyse der eigenen Problemursachen.
- Überlegung, was man selbst verbessern kann, wie man als Vorbild dienen und das Feedback zu einem Tool zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung verwenden kann.