Case Study | BCD Travel
BCD Travel uses the serious game Pacific to provide its employees across the globe with leadership training
The company saved up to 60% thanks to this training program
BCD Travel, training the leaders of the twenty-first century
BCD Travel is a company specialized in corporate travel management. It was created to provide companies with a quality service to keep their employees safe and productive during business trips. With 13,500 employees in 109 countries, the company’s 2017 turnover topped $25,000 million.
To provide its customers with a high-quality experience, BCD Travel needs employees who not only understand the sector but also have soft skills. Leadership and team management skills are especially prominent among these soft skills. In a changing and competitive market, where the emergence of new technologies makes it easier to hire travel services, it has become essential to have innovative leaders who know how to manage and motivate their teams. In this way alone can the company maintain its leadership in the world of corporate travel.
Modul I: Von innen nach außen
- Kennenlernen der eigenen Person und Untersuchung, inwiefern sich die eigene Wesensart auf das Team auswirkt.
- Analyse der eigenen Problemursachen.
- Überlegung, was man selbst verbessern kann, wie man als Vorbild dienen und das Feedback zu einem Tool zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung verwenden kann.