Negotiation and Communication Strategies for High Performance Auditors

– Applying groundbreaking brain research to achieve greater audit results –


In today’s complex international business environment, auditors must successfully overcome two major communication challenges: Maximizing cooperation with audit clients AND navigating between Audit’s position and the audit client’s position on audit findings and recommendations.

This workshop aims at improving negotiation skills, persuading, and building relationships entirely from an audit point of view. The foundations of professionalism, the audit process, and the nature of audit findings will all be addressed. Tactics, techniques and language to optimize cooperation, deal with difficult audit clients, and overcome resistance to findings and recommendations will contribute to the auditor’s future success in interviews, closing meetings and findings resolution.


  • Understand the importance of persuading and negotiating to achieve a successful audit outcome
  • Learn and practice relevant strategies and tactics to negotiate in an audit environment
  • Increase confidence and abilities when negotiating and resolving conflict in English


  • Persuading and negotiating in an audit context
  • Building rapport and relationships
  • Understanding negotiation styles
  • Planning and the negotiation process
  • Resolving findings and stakeholder needs
  • Employing negotiating tactics for auditors
  • Dealing with difficult audit clients
  • Overcoming resistance

Management Trainer

Tracie Marquardt
CPA, Senior Management Trainer, Audit Research Center | ARC Institute
Bachelor of Arts, Honours Chartered Accountancy Studies

Since 2005, Tracie has trained hundreds of internal auditors from Germany, Europe, Africa and the US to communicate more effectively on an international stage. As a result, these auditors are able to communicate their key messages more clearly, concisely, and persuasively, resulting in agreement, action and positive change. Specialties include audit report writing, global communication competence, interviewing skills, reconciling findings with auditees, and presenting powerfully. Tracie is a former external auditor (Deloitte) and internal auditor (HFCL) from Canada, with 10 years’ experience in the financial industry in Canada and the U.S.

Key skills include

  • Training, coaching and consulting internal audit for global communication skills
  • Designing training programmes that combine skills learning with culture and language to ensure success of the participants working internationally
  • Designing, creating and delivering customised, interactive workshops that bring measurable results for management
  • Providing feedback and distance coaching to internal auditors on actual audit reports and training case studies
  • Deep understanding of stakeholder requirements, audit report objectives, communication interactions within the audit process, and related challenges

Significant Projects/Audit Communication Skills

  • 2015: Presenter at the annual DIIR Congress in Dresden, Germany, on Global Communication Competence and the International Internal Auditor.
  • 2010-2017: Delivering a customised Audit Report Writing and Communication training programme to the Internal Audit within the European banking system. Over 250 auditors from 21 countries have participated to date.
  • 2015-2016 Trained, coached and provided consulting services for 40 auditors including 5 Heads of Audit at a top German financial powerhouse as they overhauled their report writing methodology
  • 2014-2015 Trained the Internal Audit team of a DAX30 medical device company on Audit Report Writing, including individual & team coaching, and development of an Audit Report Writing Style Guide. Reduced reporting review time by more than 50%.
  • Deliver Report Writing and Interviewing skills workshops to DIIR clients since 2005.
  • 3 years as senior auditor in Canada for a Schedule B lender, reporting directly to U.S.
  • 4 years external audit in the financial industry with Deloitte in Toronto

Language Skills

  • English native speaker
  • German intermediate spoken


  • Vice President Education, Heidelberg International Toastmasters Club, affiliated with Toastmasters International

Teilnahmebedingungen und Preis

  • Unser neues Preismodell belohnt Sie als entscheidungskräftige Führungskraft mit einem besonderen Vorzugspreis. Frei nach dem Motto „Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.“ Oder etwas internationaler formuliert „First come, first served“.
    Was bedeutet das? Das heißt, um so früher Sie sich verbindlich anmelden, umso besser, kostengünstiger ist Ihr Preis.
  • Zugleich belohnt unser innovatives Preismodell nicht nur Dynamik und Entscheidungskraft, sondern auch Sicherheit. Wie funktioniert das? Alle Teilnehmer, die sich bereits zu einem der Seminare angemeldet haben, werden mit Ihrer Funktion und Ihrem Unternehmen, allenfalls Ihrer Branche ausgewiesen. Somit sehen Sie also bereits, wer sich für das Training angemeldet hat. Damit wissen Sie genau, welche Sparringspartner für Sie im Training mit dabei sind.


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