Replicable Analytic Pre-Examinations
– effective and efficient design of the audit task –
Among the requirements with regard to economical, efficient and risk-oriented auditing, the topic of risk-oriented data analysis already during preparation of the actual auditing assignment plays a pivotal role. Nowadays, a favorable basis for this is provided by the increasing presentation of a company’s entire core processes in digital form. Participants in this particular training and consultancy module acquire all the necessary skills in order to procure the relevant knowledge necessary for detailed performance of audit tasks. In this instance, the path leads from acquisition of data to its integration into the audit process as well as its analysis. ARC provides support in conducting individual audit examinations as well – enabling its clients to concentrate fully on performance of the essential audit assignment.
At the same time, the ARC team’s priority, together with its clients, is to formulate analytic examination steps that can be implemented repeatedly in various audit environments and thus achieve a high degree of utilization. Especially with regard to decentralized location audits of subsidiaries, branches or foreign holdings, the client is able to attain a high degree of comparability within the company for presentation to executive management as the audit report’s addressee. Likewise, focused data analyses enable the client to save operative audit time within the preparation phase as well as during actual performance of the audit. This method enables the audit team to target specific topic areas and individual incidents instead of searching repeatedly for a proverbial needle in the haystack.
- Efficient procurement of data
- Methods of incorporating data
- Formulation of standard examination scenarios along the process chains of the respective audit object
- Definition of required data analyses – implementation options for the client’s practical audit environment
- IDEA / ACL / QPR workshop dependent on the quantity and complexity of analyses as well as the audit objects
- Identification of relevant data sources
- Definition of the business logic to be implemented
- Basic functions (among others, field statistics, calculation of domains, consolidation and incorporation of data)
- Expanded functional features (among others, aggregation, stratification, age-structure analysis, gap analysis, analysis of duplicates, pivot-table analysis, time-series comparison, correlation analysis)
- Methods of results preparation and presentation
- Integration of analyses within a macro container
- Support regarding integration and implementation of a company-tailored solution
Management Trainer
About the ARC Institute
With the Audit Research Center, the ARC Institute provides important impulses for the further development of the audit industry. The focus is on networking science and practice. The focus is on further and new development in cooperation with auditors, companies and associations in order to maintain practical relevance and to develop methods, tools and concepts that can be implemented. The results developed in dialogue with industry experts serve as a guideline and adaptation options in practice today, in order to increase the overall benefit of the company in the long term and sustainably with innovative auditing work.
In the spirit of thought leadership, the ARC Institute and the Audit Research Center stand for topic leadership and forward thinking in the area of internal auditing.
Currently, the ARC Institute supports not only leading supranational institutions in the context of research, consulting and personnel development projects, but also numerous listed companies in the three German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Terms of participation and price
Each open training day is 890,- Euro plus VAT when booking the modules individually. Inhouse training conditions are based on individual pricing and travel expenses. After receipt of your registration you will receive a confirmation of registration with invoice. Please pay the registration fee directly after receiving the invoice. The registration fee does not include 19 % VAT. The price includes participation in the lectures of the booked event, lunch, coffee breaks and seminar documents.
At a glance
Target audience:
Employees and managerial staff from the internal audit function
Interactive presentation, discussion, group projects, practical exercises, case studies, retrospective summary
Training / Training / Consulting period:
Bookings are based on an audit-situation analysis as well as a personal preliminary meeting (workshops generally cover 2 days of instruction, audit performance/support determined by circumstances).
Would you like more details about ARC’s Audit Training & Consulting Services, or do you wish to book an appointment with its team? Please address your e-mail inquiry to or phone us at +49-2159-6945-904